Bootstrap was first built by a designer and a developer from twitter, they were trying to develop a framework that will encourage consistency. Mark Otto, one of the team members a co-founder of Bootstrap later realized it had a huge potential, well beyond the usage as an internal tool. On its quest to pair designers with developers, Bootstrap had been made open-source since August 2011. as later became the most sought after front-end framework on a global scale. We recommend and admire Bootstrap as it has multiple advantages by being mobile-first, prevailing and responsive. It was developed along with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. Bootstrap has many benefits from scratch for every web development project, and one such reason is the huge number of resources accessible for Bootstrap. 

Bootstrap has a Great standardized platform with all the basic styles and components needed (layout grid, panels, tables, buttons, modals, form styles, etc.) to build on which saves a lot of time. As well as supports all major browsers, which also fixes CSS compatibility issues. JavaScript is tied with JQuery, by far the most common JavaScript library though and the plugins can just as easily be left unused and result in limited JavaScript components such as the Tooltip plugin, that doesn’t have an IE fallback for some features. There are still Lots of free and professional templates, themes and plugins to be chosen in other cases.

Widely Known for its great grid system, to create a page layout requires a good grid, especially if also you need to work with columns. Extremely useful when you want to hide different or whatsoever content based on the screen size. Adding a class such as. visible-desktop to an element will make it visible only for desktop users. There are similar classes for tablets and phones.

In the beginning, inconsistencies were occurring in between the designers and the developers working on their projects, but with bootstrap, it has become a central set of development code that solves the issues between the development front and the end-user front. Its results are uniform for every platform, as it is similar on all the browsers including internet explorer, chrome and firefox.

Talking about compatibility, it is considered to be equipped with elements that are being considered the future of design itself. For example, both HTML5 and CSS3 are things that are going to be big in the future. Plugins like HTML5Shiv and Respond.js come as part of Bootstrap’s default template. These help in porting HTML5 elements into older non-HTML5 browsers.


  • Jamesglori
    Posted April 25, 2020 1:20 am 0Likes

    Sustain the outstanding job !! Lovin’ it!

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