Chief Executive Officer

Address: Yuzbasi Aldoğan Sokak , No :4, Ofis : 305, Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey
Brief info

I have experience working in SME and Start-Ups. I have found that nothing satisfies me more than developing new innovations, solving problems, and contributing to the overall growth of a business.

Transitioning from IT to Digital Marketing & Career Advancement was one of the toughest transitions of my life.

I not only destroyed the ceiling that was preventing me from advancing, I positioned myself to never let a ceiling control my career and my life again. I’ve never felt this free in my entire life.

My intellectual curiosity also drives me to be a lifelong (autodidact) learner. I am currently earning more than 100 Expert and Professional Certifications in digital and cyber security consulting and 7 Regional, National and International, Awards.

My specialties:
+ Digital Transformation & Growth Hacking
+ Marketing Strategy and Management
+ Brand Strategy and Management
+ Leading Acquisitions and Nurturing
+ Customer, Partner, and Client Relations
+ Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
+ Growing Start-Up Organizations
+ Business Intelligence & Innovation
+ Business Strategy & Development
+ Cyber Security
+ IT Management

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