A marketing Automation tool, containing automation features are designed to help marketing teams come out as more productive.

When we are discussing the lead conversion process, it might seem like baby steps. But there’s a variety of things to work on and it requires so much collaboration for that. An immediate response from your sales team is needed when your lead is ready. Getting in touch with the marketers to follow up after the purchase happens is a must-do for your sales team.

Hence, the bottom-line here is- collaboration and that too instantly is important. Fortunately, marketing automation tools provide a bridge of the gap between sales and marketing, giving way to effective lead nurturing and conversion. Although, automation tools don’t resemble productivity tools, using one guarantee improving the marketing team’s productivity. Automation offers the precision required to identify the most potential leads and fill up your sales pipeline.

Beginning with lead qualification, followed by nurturing and transferring to sales, just shows that marketing isn’t all about sending emails only.

Enhancing Lead Management and Nurturing

You may get 100 visitors at a certain time. But are all these leads worth your time? To revamp marketing team productivity, you will first need to have a solid presentation of how a qualified lead looks like. This idea inhabits from making interactions with the sales team. Once you know exactly what you are looking for, you can set your parameters on your automation tool. Based on these parameters, your leads’ behavior and engagement can be assessed by you. Those that fit your parameters most closely are your warmest leads or ideal buyers.

Now you have qualified leads. Here also you can improve your marketing team productivity with automation- Automation enables advanced segmentation of leads based on website/app behavior, engagement rate, location, and other demographics. According to this, a buyer’s profile for each lead gets prepared automatically.

Now, when you observe and track their website behavior, assigning scores for each activity can be commenced. Leads that have the highest scores are almost ready to hit the ‘buy’ button. As a marketer, you have successfully identified the most potential leads with an automation tool. The same notification alert is sent to your sales representative as well. Based on your research and buyer’s profile, it becomes easier for your sales rep to communicate with these leads and get conversions.

Your sales rep has all the information needed to close the deal. So, have you finalized all the work needed as a marketer?

No. The work has just begun. Once your sales rep communicates with the leads, it comes back to you again. That’s when you have to work on making targeted and personalized emails because This is the decision phase of your leads, and you need to tell them exactly why your brand will benefit them the most. Sending across valuable information and listing down benefits, along with exclusive purchase offers- automation ensures your leads are properly nurtured to finalize sales.

Primarily, an automation tool helps in improving marketing team productivity by aiding with lead nurturing practices and bridging the gap between sales and marketing. But that’s not all. There are many more features an automation tool has that can improve your marketing team productivity manifold times.

More ways to improve provided by Ankit Prakash in his article:


More Ways to Improve Marketing Team Productivity with Automation

Time Tracking

Many automation tools come with the clocking feature. You can assign deadlines for your team as well as for your work. Finishing work on time can help in boosting your team’s productivity as it instills a sense of satisfaction that work gets done on time.

  1. Managing multiple clients

Your marketing team needs not to falter with multiple clients demanding at the same time. The automation tool helps in organizing, managing and reaching out to each client personally. Whether you need to send a detailed report or create an invoice or share work details- managing multiple clients is easy with an automation tool. And when your clients are managed properly, your marketing team works better.

  1. Automated campaigns

Thanks to features like autoresponders, automated drip marketing campaigns and automated email workflow design, an automation tool increases the productivity of your marketing team by taking over the tedious manual tasks and saving time.

  1. Reporting and analysis

Detailed reports are another feature that aids in improving marketing team productivity. When your marketing team has data-points to analyze and detailed reports to support the data, lead analysis improves manifold times. They can design and strategize their marketing flow in a more effective way.

  1. Building a transparent relationship with customers/clients

Automation offers a unique kind of transparency. Your marketing team can instantly know which lead or client needs attention, which one will need more nurturing and which are ready for your sales rep to take over. This transparency helps in building a relationship with your customers/clients, which in the long run boosts your overall sales as well.

Other prominent features that help in improving marketing team productivity:

Automation tools come with many more additional features that speed up the marketing process, leading to more productivity. Some of these features are:

  • Lead scoring
  • Landing page
  • Drag and drop editor
  • Drip campaigns
  • Live performance graphs
  • Advanced segmentation and filters
  • Email tags
  • Dynamic content
  • Push notifications
  • SMS campaigns
  • Social media integrations; and more.

If you are looking to improve your marketing team productivity with automation, it’s time to start using one.

More ways to Improve Marketing Team Productivity with Automation

1. Time Tracking

Many automation tools come with the clocking feature. You can assign deadlines for your team as well as for your own work. Finishing work on time can help in boosting your team’s productivity as it instils a sense of satisfaction that work gets done on time.

2. Managing multiple clients

Your marketing team need not falter with multiple clients demanding at the same time. Automation tool helps in organising, managing and reaching out to each client personally. Whether you need to send a detailed report or create an invoice or share work details- managing multiple clients is easy with an automation tool. And when your clients are managed properly, your marketing team works better.

3. Automated campaigns

Thanks to features like autoresponders, automated drip marketing campaigns and automated email workflow design, an automation tool increases the productivity of your marketing team by taking over the tedious manual tasks and saving time.

4. Reporting and analysis

Detailed reports are another feature that aids in improving marketing team productivity. When your marketing team has data-points to analyse and detailed reports to support the data, lead analysis improves manifold times. They are able to design and strategize their marketing flow in a more effective way.

5. Building a transparent relationship with customers/clients

Automation offers a unique kind of transparency. Your marketing team can instantly know which lead or client needs attention, which one will need more nurturing and which are ready for your sales rep to take over. This transparency helps in building a relationship with your customers/clients, which in the long run boosts your over all sales as well.

Other prominent features that help in improving marketing team productivity:

Automation tools come with many more additional features that speed up the marketing process, leading to more productivity. Some of these features are:

  • Lead scoring
  • Landing page
  • Drag and drop editor
  • Drip campaigns
  • Live performance graphs
  • Advanced segmentation and filters
  • Email tags
  • Dynamic content
  • Push notifications
  • SMS campaigns
  • Social media integrations; and more.

If you are looking to improve your marketing team productivity with automation, it’s time to start using one.

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